2012 - A Year of Transformation : Along the Path Blog
Ann Frazier West
Bridges to the Afterlife Blog

​      It is exciting to me to find so many of you who are interested in exploring what is being shared with us about the afterlife. More than ever before, our media resources, such as TV, movies, magazine and newspaper articles, are publishing stories on this topic. This is encouraging to me because it is an indication that humanity is ready to move out of a 3-dimensional consciousness into a multidimensional consciousness - to imagine life beyond the physical realm. This is certainly not a new concept for many of you, but it seems that the mass consciousness is waking up and becoming more aware.

     I was inspired to write a book on this topic after having some very exciting and comforting experiences in contact with close family members and friends who have made the great transition or passed on to another dimension. My whole perception of what we call death changed with the realization that there is no death. The death experience has been revealed to me as another phase in the evolution of each soul - a part of the bigger picture or the bigger Life.

     Let's explore the ways in which we might become aware of those dimensions beyond the visible one where we live in physical bodies. Can we have conscious contact with our loved ones who have completed this phase of their experience and who have moved to a level invisible to us? Can we visit with them in our dreams? Are they still involved in some way in our lives here? Can they help us when we need their help? Can we help them?
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2012 - A Year of Transformation

by Ann Frazier West on 01/01/12

     Pythagoras, said to be the first man to call himself a philosopher, was also the first to demonstrate the mathematical foundation of music.  Born sometime between 600 and 590 B.C., Pythagoras has been immortalized by his discoveries and teachings in relation to the Divine Science of Numbers - a science now called Numerology.

     We can all approach the study of spiritual numerology both from the cosmic and the personal viewpoints.  Numbers are the ten supreme Principles upon which the universe is founded.  Every number possesses  an individual keynote,  and as we discover the deeper meanings to the numbers in our names, our birth dates, etc., we learn more about the forces operating from the higher spiritual planes on every level of our being.

     According to Numerology, our new year 2012 brings us under the influence of the number five (5).  2+0+1+2=5.

     In the ancient mysteries, the number 5 stands for the Christ, or the spirit, resurrected from the tomb of matter.  Four (4) is the cross upon which one (1) is crucified.  Only as the lower nature is subjugated or crucified does the ego begin to rise toward freedom through a recognition of its innate divinity.

     The 5-pointed star in its highest status is represented by the sage.

     The fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Heh or H, the Hota of the ancient Greek.  This letter means life or vitality; it refers not only to physical animation, but to the capacity for breathing a more rarefied air than that known to the average mortal.

     When the "five" has learned the lessons that physical experience has to teach, he/she is ready to experience this inflow from the higher spheres which make him/her a new and different being - a transformed being.

      "Such was the transformation that occurred in the lives of Abraham and Sarah with the addition of the letter "H" to their names. This transformation has a meaning for both the inner and the outer life.  It manifests physically as exuberant health and expresses itself intellectually in an increasingly sensitized and enriched mind which in turn becomes instrumental through its well-focused and controlled powers to reflect more fully and accurately the faculties of the spirit within.  True to the nature of the change as this may be known in the light of the science of numerical emanation, a new joy (Isaac) was born to the renewed lives of the patriarchal couple.  It is only after such a new birth that one is really alive."  (Corinne Heline)

Happy New Year!

Happy Transformation!

Happy 2012!

Campbell, FlorenceYour Days Are Numbered.  Ferndale, PA:  The Gateway, 1976.

Buess, Lynn M.,  Numerology for the New Age.  Marina del Rey:  DeVorss & Company Publishers, 1978.

Hall, Manly P.,  The Secret Teachings of All Ages.  Los Angeles:  The Philosophical Research Society, Inc., 1972.

Heline, Corinne, Sacred Science of Numbers.  Marina del Rey:  DeVorss & Company Publishers, 1981.


Comments (1)

1. Glenn said on 1/4/12 - 12:19AM
This is a wonderful place, Ann!! I have a friend that runs a page on FaceBook called "A Positive Journey". Her name is Daidre and she is transforming in front of my eyes! I love You and Jim!! Happy New Year to both of you. I am wishing ya'll a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous 2012!!

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The afterlife is a realm of transformation - of body, mind and spirit - a place lovingly reflecting the consciousness of each individual and his or her place in the great cosmic dance of eternity.
        ~ Lee Lawson, Artist, Author